Sunday, June 28, 2009

This is the kind of stuff I do at work. These are some color studies I did for a WonderHill header. We ended up going in a different direction... more of a happy town than an esoteric hill.

Welcome to the welcoming land.

This is WonderHill - the 'happy town' direction we settled on.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

uncomfortable sketchiness

You might notice that all of my characters look sad or uncomfortable. I think this is because all day at work, I draw cute, happy, unquestioning animals and landscapes. I need an outlet for the dark side.
I was looking at depression era photography when I drew this woman.

This is my contribution to Terrible Yellow Eyes, a site created by Cory Godbey, to celebrate Maurice Sendak and his book Where the Wild Things Are. I really appreciate the opportunity this gives me to show him how important his work has been in my life.